
Tiek rādīti šajā datumā publicētie ziņojumi: 2015

Getting Sleepy while reading or falling asleep while reading? Then take a look at these tips.

Time It Right If you're already sleepy, staying awake to read is more of a challenge than normal. Our natural patterns of sleepiness and alertness, known as circadian rhythms, play a role in timing your reading assignments. Your body naturally gets sleepy between midnight and 7 a.m., with another sleepy period midafternoon. You're more likely to feel alert between 6 and 11 p.m., according to the National Institutes of Health. Since not everyone's circadian rhythms are the same, you should tune in to your body's specific rhythms to identify your alert times. When possible, time your reading to when you're alert. Control the Environment The environment is a factor in how alert you stay when you read. If you curl up in bed with your book, you're more likely to fall asleep. Choose a spot with bright lighting so you can focus on the words and aren't lulled by dark. Find a spot comfortable enough for you to focus, but not so comfy that you doze o...

Google Web Fonts API error for Blogger.com

Wanted to have a built-in Font from Google Web Fonts API. So I tried to implement it on my own. <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro:500,700&subset=latin' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> Google Web Fonts provided XML code: The link in the end looks like this:   WHEN I ADDED -  &amp;subset= * It needs  &amp;subset=   for recognizing other language characters i guess. <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro:500,700&amp;subset=latin' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> &amp;subset= THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME BEAT THIS ERROR:  SOURCE USER

Link2SD Mount script error.

I've been Using Link2SD on every Android device. And stock and Custom Roms too. Had problems before with this error particularly and now i guess i have the answer. When it shows error: MOUNT SCRIPT ERROR Mount Script cannot be created Mount: Invalid argument 1. You need to format you're SD Card.  But before that, you should BACKUP EVERYTHING IMPORTANT TO YOU!  * You can do Nandroid backup before doing anything, in case everything fails. (Didn't happen to me). * You can Backup everything with Titanium Backup and SuperBackup. (Both are really helpful for me). 2.  Using MiniTool Partition Wizard ( Im using Server Edition, but you can use FREE) for formatting and making new partitions.  * The best tool there is, for now!  Make 2 partitions, both primary and both Fat32. * Fat32 is working with every device there is (But can contain files only less than 4GB in size).  I created 1st partition 12GB and 2nd Partition 3.1GB ( I...

Device attached to the system is not functioning fix

If you receive this error message  A device attached to the system is not functioning , here are a few things you may try. It is quite possible that the attached device is not working for one of these reasons:  USB or external device is switched off, or connected improperly The external device and drive types are incompatible The external device is not properly inserted in the drive or connected to the port The drive door is open The external device is not properly formatted. (MY CASE)  Correct the problem by addressing the above possibilities and try again running your command again. Source: http://forum.thewindowsclub.com/windows-tips-tutorials-articles/35905-device-attached-system-not-functioning.html I got this error for my DSLR Camera Nikon . I guess because the camera formatted my SD Card to format that is only Read only supported and cannot be moved elsewhere. THAT REALLY SUCKS.. 

Disk checking with CMD - Command Prompt

RUN -> Cmd.exe -> Administrator Privileges (as admin) -> chkdsk /F /B /R /X default check * For help chkdsk /? /// INFROMATION FOR CHKDSK. CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]] [/B]   volume          Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon),                   mount point, or volume name.   filename        FAT/FAT32 only: Specifies the files to check for fragmentatio .   /F              Fixes errors on the disk.   /V              On FAT/FAT32: Displays the full path and name of every file                   on the disk.   ...

Asus vivotab RT TF600T - Touchscreen problems, phantom touches.

Writing because, i have problems with it and so others could get something out of this! I had touchscreen issues with my Asus VivoTab RT TF600T. Fixed Phantom touch issue with disassembling it. My problem described better in these videos : (This is not mine). Big thanks to this guy for his video on disassembling the tab  :  * I just took out the frame with the display and touchscreen, and put it back, but before putting back, looked at everything carefully and made sure everything is in the right places and put back together. * Cleaned the screen from inside - the white board with cloth tampered with water. * Put all together. Didn't even need the touchscreen and display taking apart. But still will buy Touchscreen: EBAY LINK:   That I am considering to buy.  And found another one that could help, but preferred the guide that is above this text. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKId9VDufNo&feature=youtu.be - This guy is aweso...

This helped me..

Windows 8: Automatically Shut Down Computer at Night Source:  http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/35339/windows-8-automatically-shut-down-computer-at-night/

Security Bazinga...: [TIPS] Learn Linux/Unix CMD Line the Easy Way

Security Bazinga...: [TIPS] Learn Linux/Unix CMD Line the Easy Way : It think it is very useful, cause im a newbie too. I'll check it out in details when i will launch MultiBoot USB (Started experimenting with MultiBooting Windows, Linux and Recovery CD in one USB - using Sardu (pretty neat software - link  ) Thanks for the news Bazinga.

Custom Android ROM FIX: "Insufficient Storage Available Error".

I've been having an error on Custom Made ROM: Kitkat 4.4.4 - "Insufficient Storage available"  If application gives you this error, please do as mentioned below. Root browser needed. For avoiding this error:  1. go to " /data/app-lib/APP-PATH(that has this error)/lib " and delete. 2. install/update the apk app. 3. if not work go to " /data/app-lib/APP-PATH(that has this error) " and delete all the folder (but you must begin by their sub-folder then the folder itself, because you cant delete the folder of this APP-PATH directly without deleting their sub-folder first. * I just deleted the Full App folder and it did it. Donate the guy who solved this error:  baha76_s   Source : GUIDE  - Thank you for this awesome guide. 

Installing Xperia Arc S From Scratch

Guide for Installing Xperia Arc S from Scratch. CAUTION: BEFORE USING THIS, you need to understand that I am in no way guilty for bricking you're devices or bootlooping and other stuff.  You take full responsibility for continuing further.. All of this guide is used for experimental purposes and no way used for Daily usage devices/phones.  BEWARE! BEFORE DOING ANYTHING WITH YOU'RE PHONE, BACKUP EVERYTHING!  Can be used with every Android device.  Things that change with other Android devices: 1. CMXX Version (CyanogenMod version (It's a base pack with default files) ) * In this case it is CM11 (Build 20141224) Kitkat 4.4.4 2. Gapps package version and size. (Based on CM version) 3. Custom ROM that is used for Skins, better performance etc.  * In this case RepeXpersiS Z3 Legend Edition! Android Kitkat 4.4.4. * For me, this is the best there is for Xperia Arc S. Is not lagging, is pretty fast. And for Tech Enthusiasts it's ...


I followed this forum topic! LINK Received when tried to connect to XBOX games on pc and Windows RT tab. I tought i didn't have Media Feature PACK (For Windows N versions). But then i remembered that it was installed. So i did these things: * Changed to the same at Regional Settings (Store, XBOX app and Windows) * Changed Location, Time, Date to the SAME. * Made Restart * Signed in of my XBOX devices (XBOX 360 console). (Wrote Serial Number in XBOX homepage profile section).

"Video Remoting Was Disconnected” Hyper-V Connecting

Try these things to fix you're problem (Before starting) 1. Turn off VM and boot up that VM 2. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to Virtual Machine (VM) and can access But each time when try console using Hyper-V Manager snap-in, you will receive “Video Remoting Was Disconnected” . Plan to restart the entire Hyper-V Host, but cannot as i got a lot of Production virtual machine which is running.   Try these things. (If you have all of Offload options separately, disable all) 1. Go to physical NIC and disable a) TCP Connection Offload (Ipv4 /ipv6) 2. TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (Ipv4 / ipv6) This fixed my problem.  Source: http://www.ms4u.info/2013/01/error-message-video-remoting-was.html

Windows Update Error 0x80240016

Means that something is wrong. And by downloading this : http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9830262 you can fix that. Simply launch the windowsupdate quickfix and it does it for you. After that you will be prompted to restart. It ocurred for me when i was installing Windows 10 Preview Build updates.

Unexpected error showed up installing windows 8 and then turned off. (SOLUTION)

1 Step.  On the same error screen press SHIFT+F10 and it will open up a black Window. (a command prompt window) 2 Step. In the black windows type the word "regedit"(without the inverted commas and hit enter. That will open the registry editor. In the Registry Editor..  ---> Browse to.... HKLocal machine/SYSTEM/SETUP/STATUS/ChildCompletion , and after highlighting childcompletion, on the right hand side check for setup.exe. If the value is 1 or 0 change it to 3. (by double clicking on setup.exe and changing the value shown in the box). Then close the registry editor and then also close the black window. Then click on OK for the error and the computer will restart and the installation may complete. 

Xperia Z Ultra problēmas un lietas ko darīju.

Telefona ekrāns nomira. Rāda tikai fona apgaismojumu (backlight). Vakar visu nakti ņēmos gar OS, bet salaidu visu vēl lielākā pakaļā, jo tagad vairs nevaru piekļūt telefonam caur datoru. Uzliku lādēties telefonu un biju laikam stūlbi nolicis, jo nākot atpakaļ aizķēru telefonu un viņš nokrita uz zemes un ekrāns pavisam palika melns ar apgaismojumu. Iepriekš bloķējot un atbloķējot varēja vēl izmantot viņu. Ekrāna digitizers (Touch funkcija) strādā, bet pats ekrāns nerāda attēlu. Lietas ko mēģināju * Uztaisīju Repair caur Sony PCCompanion. (Nekas nemainījās) * Noflašoju 14.4.A.0.108, nekas nemainījās. * Noflašoju 4.3 Android versiju (Neatceros firmware versiju - 14.3.*.*.***) * Noflašoju atpakaļ 14.4.A.0.108, lai varētu veikt Sony Repair Atkal. * Atradu un nokačāju EURO_LTE versiju 14.4.A.0.108 (Kāda bija telefonam oriģināli). Android Kitkat : MEGA Kitkat links Android 4.3 14.3.A.0.757 - Android 4.3 Links